When you walk a mile in someone else’s shoes, you understand their situation, feelings, and motives. That’s empathy…and today’s corporations, leaders, and employees seem to come up short on this basic soft skill. Empathy is a skill important to building good...
Imagine for a moment two different workplace scenarios: Scenario A: Your boss or team leader sits down at your desk and starts a conversation. They ask how your day is going, what projects you are working on, or if you need additional resources to perform tasks at...
What is the definition of trust? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary it is defined as having assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something. A pretty straightforward definition with very little room for...
Business coaches and consultants with team building expertise have their work cut out for them in today’s corporate culture. 70% of American employees aren’t working to their full potential and they’re slowing economic growth. According to...
An in-depth survey of women in leadership roles at the Am Law 100, the largest U.S. law firms, finds the glass ceiling largely intact. When I read reports like this I wonder whether women leaders in this position should launch out on their own? Why press your nose...
Hitting the snooze button too many times because you dread getting up and going into work? Is it just another day filled with undue stress and turmoil? The kind of day that makes you want to tell the boss, “take this job and…. “ well, you know. For many, this is an...