With the advent of easily accessible personal computers and reliable and swift Internet, more organizations are turning to telecommuting to fill their daily needs. But if your organization is hesitant to allow employees to telecommute, either full or part-time, the...
The carrot dangling from the “employee benefits” stick isn’t quite the lure it used to be for attracting and retaining top talent. Just a few short years ago, it seems our parents and grandparents were receiving the proverbial gold watch after 40 years of devoted...
What went down in the 2013 workplace for both the independent business consultant and hired employee! Here it is…part 5 of my 2013 blog recap series on workplace culture. This series of blogs has been broken into two segments. The first one encompasses the traditional...
Imagine for a moment two different workplace scenarios: Scenario A: Your boss or team leader sits down at your desk and starts a conversation. They ask how your day is going, what projects you are working on, or if you need additional resources to perform tasks at...
The saying goes …. no man is an island. People rely on family ties, coworkers, friends, electricians, doctors, etc for their social, physical, and economical well-being. Well, the same goes for business. Organizations and companies depend on their employees, vendors,...
Dell announced the results of the world’s first gender-focused, global entrepreneurship index based on the Global Entrepreneurship and Development Index (GEDI) at its Dell Women’s Entrepreneur Network annual event. “Unleashing the power of female...