Interdependence is the Backbone of Cooperative Team Work

Interdependence is the Backbone of Cooperative Team Work

The saying goes …. no man is an island. People rely on family ties, coworkers, friends, electricians, doctors, etc for their social, physical, and economical well-being. Well, the same goes for business. Organizations and companies depend on their employees, vendors,...
Trust is a Key Ingredient Missing From Business Team Building

Trust is a Key Ingredient Missing From Business Team Building

What is the definition of trust? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary it is defined as having assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something.  A pretty straightforward definition with very little room for...
Building Trust in Business

Building Trust in Business

Trust in leaders and in their companies was a serious concern for the 2835 HR Executives who participated in the 2012 TIGERS Success Series Study entitled is “Team Building A Waste of Time?”  The answer to this question was an emphatic “No”. ...
Do Names Impact Team Building Effectiveness?

Do Names Impact Team Building Effectiveness?

What does diversity mean for workforce effectiveness? According to a new study that workers with more complex names are less favored than Smith, Jones and John. In a rapidly growing global workforce what are the implications? And, what are the implications for team...