Are Sick Days Killing Your Business?

Are Sick Days Killing Your Business?

Do your employees drag themselves to work, hacking and coughing and spreading the bug to everyone else in your company? Do you provide flu shots for your employees? Do you provide working from home opportunities for people who are feeling under the weather? What is...
Ben & Jerry’s: Cultivating A Human Culture in Business

Ben & Jerry’s: Cultivating A Human Culture in Business

A business associate from London and I were having breakfast when she said, “At Will employment is inhuman. Isn’t that an excuse for bad bosses to shirk their responsibility to their employees by simply cutting their losses any time they want to?” I think so. When...

TIGERS Success Series 2012 “Kudos” to Progressive Leaders and Organizations Blog Recap – Part 4

I grew tired of all the negative economic news that seemed to engulf us in 2012. …and I’m sure most of you did too. From iconic companies saying their final farewells and closing their doors to stagnant unemployment rates, it was enough to make you want to crawl under...
How To Handle Your Team Dynamic After Election Day

How To Handle Your Team Dynamic After Election Day

One of the biggest questions presented on Facebook this election season is how to remain friends with people on the other side of the political isle after the 2012 Election. The 2012 Election finals are  in. So what are you, as leaders, prepared to do? Since 2000, the...