Should companies administer personality tests as a requirement for employment? In recent years, personality tests have become the poster kid for bad HR practices. As digital technology advanced, we threw online games into the mix to assess a person’s suitability –...
How do you bring out the best from the best in your org? Try nurturing your high-potential employees. We’ve seen how the pandemic brings out the worst in people. And, there’s no denying that it has also brought out the best in many. For instance, we’ve always known...
Many organizations often reach an impressive stage of growth before they think about how they will effectively continue that growth. It often starts with some very passionate and talented people who can generalize. They must and do wear all the hats. But, there is...
What is self-management strategy? One of the main problems that Derek Alexander encountered in the new TIGERS® Success Series book on leadership, Becoming TIGERS – Leading Your Team to Success, is how to properly manage his employees. Half the time he found himself...
Recognizing the symptoms of fear in the workplace is the first step to creating a healthy, harmonious workplace environment. Then you have what you need in order to eliminate fear from the workplace. However, it can be easy to be unaware or turn a blind eye to this...
Sara had been with the company for a year-and-a-half. She was excited about the job when she was hired. But like most jobs that come without skill development, her sincere, frank and forthright communication style was an anomaly in a company where gossip and hurt...