How CEOs Can Overcome Modern Challenges and Transform Traditional Corporate Systems
How CEOs overcome modern challenges and transform traditional corporate systems has kept many awake at night. The good news is that it doesn’t have to. Yes, CEOs do face a complex array of challenges that expose significant gaps in traditional corporate systems....
Team Leadership Tips: Establishing Ground Rules for Teams
Establishing ground rules before embarking on team projects is a pivotal first step for any team leader regardless of the project or scope. It builds the foundation for harmonious and productive team accomplishments. When ground rules are clearly defined at the...
How CFOs Must Shift Focus in the Age of the Employee Stakeholder
From cost-cutting to value-building, how CFOs shift their focus in the age of the Employee Stakeholder is an important key for stemming talent turnover. So, how did Jonathan achieve this? In the bustling heart of a leading tech firm, CFO Jonathan Ellis faced a pivotal...
Master Assertive Communication with These Essential Techniques
Imagine a leader, Tom. Tom is well-regarded for his decisive actions and direct manner. At the company town hall, he was confident and strong, making his points with an undeniable fervor. After the meeting, while everyone applauded, Sarah, a junior team member,...
Prioritizing Emotional Intelligence in Senior-Level Candidates
In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, success hinges not only on technical expertise but also on interpersonal skills. Therefore, prioritizing emotional intelligence in senior-level employment candidates has emerged as a critical factor for strategic...
A Millennial Manager’s Effective Group Process for Establishing Boundaries with a Boss
What is a Millennial manager's effective group process for establishing boundaries with a boss? This is a great question, and we explore it from the perspective of two managers who received very different results based on their skills and development. In the dynamic...
Unlocking Potential through the Power of Recognition in Fostering Employee Engagement and Growth
The power of recognition plays a profound role in the human psyche. Recognition is a powerful motivator and catalyst for personal and professional growth. At its core, recognition validates our efforts, affirming that our contributions are valued and appreciated by...
Unlocking Employee Retention: The Millennial Manager’s Blueprint for Success
In today's hyper-competitive job market, retaining top talent is more crucial than ever. As a millennial manager navigating this landscape, you understand the importance of resolving the employee retention dilemma. Retaining skilled employees is essential to the...
What impacts the trust crisis in today’s workforce?
Are we on the brink of a trust crisis? The 2023 Edelman Trust Report reveals reliable trends that challenge the very fabric of business as usual. In an era of rampant misinformation, dwindling confidence in institutions, and polarizing narratives, understanding the...
Why Collaborative Work Trumps Competition in Business Culture Today
Early on in my career as a thought leader focused on collaborative work, the words of Martin Luther King resonated with me: "One of the great liabilities of history is that all too many people fail to remain awake through great periods of social change. Every society...