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Got employee engagement? There’s been a lot of buzz lately about employee engagement. So … what is it?
By most definitions employee engagement is an employee’s level of involvement, emotional commitment and personal satisfaction with their job and where they work. In other words: it’s the people that actually believe in their organization, take an interest in what they do at work and want to be good at it!
However, according to Gallup’s State of the American workplace twenty 10 through twenty 12 report, an alarming 70% of American employees aren’t working to their full potential, and they’re slowing economic growth.
And that’s not what we need after a lengthy recession.
Here is a quote from that study. “The general consciousness about the importance of employee engagement seems to have increased in the past decade,” according to Jim Harter, Gallup’s Chief Scientist for Workplace Management and Wellbeing. “But there is a gap between knowing about engagement and doing something about it in most American workplaces.”
After a long and grueling recession that took its toll on jobs, corporate budgets, wages. and employee morale, there is no denying the workplace is in transition.
Where does engagement fit today?
Engagement is critical to action planning includes three important components:
- First, you must capture the emotional commitment of key leaders,
- Second is imperative to engage employees to champion change, and
- Three communicate about team success company-wide.
And let me say this: Engagement is an ongoing process. There is no quick fix. Change does not occur overnight. Efforts must be sustained through out the change process and beyond.
To catalyze employees to champion change, leaders must accomplish six goals:
- One, define desirable, collaborative behaviors from a team-wide perspective.
- Two, track group change success.
- Three, encourage employee input for action planning.
- Four, train employees in problem solving and conflict resolution skills.
- Five, acknowledge successful milestones.
- Six, announce and provide team recognition for success.
It is not surprising that changing from the known and predictable is upsetting for many people. If these people are your executives, mid managers, and employees, the upset is often expressed as resistance and explains why out of every 100 change efforts, more than 66% fail. That’ 2 out of every 3 change efforts that fail.
People will not champion what they resist. That’s human nature. Employee and team engagement is doomed to fail if there is lack of executive commitment, unresolved team conflict, and unclear job responsibilities or goals.
What can you EXPECT as you build engaged workplace teams?
Many years ago a renowned group dynamic researcher by the name of Bruce Tuckman proposed his four-stage model of group development, which has now morphed into 5 stages. He noticed that all groups and teams go through phases to grow and develop properly.
He also noted that when things do not go smoothly in any one of the stages, the team gets stuck and performance drops. The five stages all teams must progress through to become highly cooperative and engaged are:
One Forming — Forming is the initial stage of getting to know people on the team. The forming stage consists of getting to know people,,,, understanding their unique ways of doing things and STRIVES to reduce negative judgments between people.
Two Storming — In Storming confrontation happens over ideas and personal ways of looking at things. In some cases, storming is resolved quickly and in others, the team never leaves this stage. If the team continues to storm, it will not develop normal ways of working together that support teamwork and engagement in their jobs, team, or company.
TIGERS licensed facilitators help teams move through this stage productively and quickly.
Three Norming — The Norming stage is where teams and individual team members begin to hit their stride. They begin to understand their routine, objectives, and work well together to maximize their talent.
Four Performing — Performing is when the team is operating as a well-oiled, cohesive unit. Jobs and assignments are done smoothly and efficiently, with little supervision. These employees and teams are fully engaged and accountable.
Five. Adjourning — The adjourning stage is when Projects end and teams may dissolve. Many times a team may acquire new members and reverts back to forming so the cycle starts all over again. And, this is why organizations that gain and lose people find it difficult to achieve highly productive teams. When teams complete their goals and adjourn it is important to discuss how to improve performance for the next project.
How do you start to improve engagement?
Here are three ideas:
- Provide training to managers and leaders that improves employee engagement.
Many managers, through no fault of their own, have not received leadership training or coaching. They have plenty of technical, hands-on expertise, but very little employee coaching skills.
- The fastest way to improve engagement is through peer pressure!
The rule of thumb is that people will conform to the behavior of the group they want to belong to.
- Involve employee ideas in developing systems and planning so they feel they have some ownership in the change process rather than forcing change upon them.
Another interesting fact from the Gallup report showed that companies with 9 engaged employees for every actively disengaged employee experienced 147% higher earnings per share on the stock exchange than their competition. Proof that employee engagement beefs up an organization’s bottom line!
As philosopher Robert Hartman once said, “Treating your employees first as people then as employees can unleash up to 40% more productivity.” Unleashing that much growth is a good thing for American business.
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More Details On Engagement, Retention and Growth Training
10 Strategic Solutions
For Sustainable Corporate Expansion And Retention
In today’s fast-moving business world, every executive team needs executable solutions for strong post recession recovery and success. Technology changes at lightning-speed. New ideas and innovation emerge in the blink of an eye. Your company must be prepared for post recovery Engagement, Retention & Growth.
The best strategies to advance growth… stay ahead of the competition … adapt quickly to change … and improve your company’s bottom line … are one or more of the 10 Strategic Solutions offered in this digital Training and Book Series.
One solution may not address your unique initiatives. A combination might make more sense to your complex systems. For this reason, 10 experts in Engagement, Retention & Growth present viable solutions from diverse perspectives such as change management, marketing, training, team development, executive recruitment, employee retention and sales.
To be successful and achieve results for your career and your company, you must master the time-tested secrets of the best companies to work for. Now this is possible with Engagement, Retention and Growth: 10 Strategic Solutions for Sustainable Corporate Expansion and Retention
We’ve identified ten key solutions that you need to know. Each solution is offered in a 30-minute recorded segment with handouts and a downloadable e-book for your team. We encourage you to share these resources with your leadership team.
After learning the information in this training series, you acquire valuable strategies to incorporate into your action planning for sustained success.
Get Immediate Access Here
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About TIGERS Success Series
TIGERS Success Series is a proprietary group development system that helps leaders build sustainable teams of engaged and loyal employees. TIGERS also certifies Team Builders in the use of the TIGERS System and Methods, which produces steady income for both the team builders and the organizations they serve.