As we step into 2024, the transformative power of leaders trained in the TIGERS 6 Principles resolves many of the problems confronting managers and small business owners today.

In the ever-evolving landscape of leadership,  the focus is shifting towards employee-centric approaches. As a result, the TIGERS 6 Principles emerge as a beacon of transformative power. These six principles — Trust, Interdependence, Genuineness, Empathy, Risk, and Success — are not just abstract concepts.  They are the driving and measurable forces behind a collaborative and high-performance team and workplace culture.

This is important for many reasons. From a GNP perspective, the cost to US businesses due to high turnover of talented employees is estimated at $1 trillion annually. For leaders seeking to enhance productivity and employee engagement, proficiency with these principles can be a game-changer.

Unlock the transformative power of TIGERS 6 Principles through employee-centric leadership

Why is transformation at the forefront of leadership focus in 2024?

Small business owners and managers today are confronted with the formidable challenge of navigating through a complex landscape shaped by various interconnected factors. One of the major factors is the evolving nature of work, workforce dynamics and group process.

The global work environment is undergoing rapid transformation with the increasing integration of technology, remote work models, and the expectations of a younger, more diverse workforce. Leaders must grapple with finding the right balance between technology-driven efficiency and maintaining a human-centered approach to work. Success with this effort, in addition to the $1trillion loss due to turnover annually, is an additional productivity loss of $1.8 trillion every year according to Gomada.

Another critical issue is the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Although strides have been made in managing the virus, its repercussions continue to reverberate through various sectors. Leaders are tasked with ensuring the well-being of their teams, addressing the mental health challenges resulting from prolonged uncertainty, and fostering a resilient organizational culture that can adapt to unforeseen disruptions.

Furthermore, the heightened emphasis on sustainability and social responsibility poses a significant challenge for leaders in 2024. Organizations are increasingly expected to play a proactive role in addressing environmental concerns, social inequalities, and ethical business practices.

Small business owners and managers must navigate this landscape, integrating sustainable practices into their business models while meeting the expectations of socially conscious consumers and employees. Balancing profit motives with a commitment to broader societal concerns becomes a pivotal task for leaders looking to thrive in the evolving business landscape and the TIGERS 6 Principles make this possible.

How do the TIGERS 6 Principles help managers and small business owners navigate these challenges?

The TIGERS 6 Principles create a workplace culture where employees are motivated, feel supported, and collaborate effectively. This not only results in increased productivity but also elevates overall employee engagement, contributing to the long-term success of the organization and long-term employment for employees.

Let’s investigate each principle and the benefit to leaders today.

Trust is the bedrock of productivity

Trust is the cornerstone upon which successful teams are built. In an environment of trust, employees feel secure, valued, and confident in their roles. Leaders who cultivate trust within their teams create an environment where individuals are not afraid to voice their opinions or take risks. This freedom unleashes a torrent of creativity and innovation, driving productivity to new heights. Trust also fosters strong interpersonal relationships, leading to effective collaboration and problem-solving.

Interdependence builds team cohesion

In the interconnected world of modern business, the concept of interdependence is crucial. The TIGERS principle of interdependence emphasizes the idea that every team member’s success is intertwined with the success of the team as a whole. Leaders who promote interdependence encourage teamwork and employee cooperation, ensuring that employees recognize and appreciate each other’s contributions. This collaborative mindset significantly boosts efficiency, as team members work seamlessly towards shared goals, leveraging each other’s strengths.

Genuineness through authentic leadership breeds engagement

Authenticity is a magnet for engagement. Leaders who embody genuineness create an open and transparent workplace culture. Their communication is assertive and helpful rather than aggressive and demeaning or passive aggressive which is demeaning to both the self and others.

When employees sense that their leaders are authentic and true to themselves and respectful of everyone, it fosters a sense of belonging. This makes co-worker friendships and cross-training possible so organizations are able to do more with less.

Genuineness eliminates barriers and encourages respectfully sincere, frank and forthright communication. Employees are more likely to engage with their work when they feel their leaders are not only competent but also real and approachable.

Empathy is the heartbeat of employee engagement

Empathy is the bridge that connects leaders with their teams. Leaders who practice empathy understand the challenges faced by their employees and are attuned to their needs. This creates a supportive environment where people feel seen, heard and understood.

When leaders empathize with the experiences of their team members, it strengthens the emotional connection between leaders and employees. This emotional resonance is a catalyst for increased engagement, as employees feel valued and appreciated.

Risk fosters innovation and creativity

A workplace that embraces risk is a breeding ground for innovation. The TIGERS risk principle encourages leaders and employees alike to step outside their comfort zones. When people are not afraid to take calculated risks, it sparks creativity and the exploration of new ideas.

Managers and small business owners who cultivate a culture that views risk as an opportunity rather than a threat witness a surge in innovative solutions and approaches that surpass customer expectations. This appreciation for risk as an opportunity to learn and grow also contributes significantly to enhanced productivity and a better quality service or product. This is because valuing learning from mistakes produces a safe environment to bring mistake to light rather than hiding them.

Success is celebrating achievements and fueling motivation

Success is not just an endpoint; it is a journey. Leaders who instill the principle of success in their workplace culture have excellent processes and procedures and understand system thinking.  They also celebrate both individual and collective achievements. Recognizing and acknowledging success is a powerful motivator. It creates a positive feedback loop where employees are inspired to replicate success, contributing to a culture of continuous improvement. A workplace that embraces success as a shared endeavor experiences heightened motivation and sustained engagement.

Implementing TIGERS 6 Principles is a leadership imperative

For leaders aspiring to adopt employee-centric leadership skills and attitudes, implementing the TIGERS 6 Principles is not just a choice; it’s an imperative. These principles provide a holistic framework for creating a workplace culture where productivity and engagement flourish organically. Trust, interdependence, genuineness, empathy, risk, and success are not standalone elements; they are interconnected threads that weave the fabric of a dynamic and thriving workplace.

The TIGERS 6 Principles offer a roadmap for leaders seeking to navigate the complexities of modern leadership with a focus on employee-centricity. As leaders integrate these principles into their leadership philosophy and mindset, they unleash a powerful force that propels their teams towards unparalleled productivity and engagement.

It’s not merely a shift in approach. It is a revolution in leadership that places employees at the center, unlocking their potential and driving collective success.

Care to dig deeper into the transformative power of TIGERS 6 Principles Leadership?

The following resources offer more information on the TIGERS 6 Principles:

Copyright TIGERS Success Series, Inc. by Dianne Crampton

TIGERS 6 PrinciplesAbout the TIGERS 6 Principles™

The TIGERS 6 Principles empower Executives and Consultants with a comprehensive collaborative work culture and leadership system to resolve avoidable talent, engagement and work community problems that stunt growth.

A researched and validated collaborative work culture and facilitative leadership model, licensing is available for HR Executives, Operations and Project Managers, Consultants and Coaches to improve their operations and client success.

Schedule a call to discuss your interest in the comprehensive TIGERS 6 Principles system.

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