hiring hispanic immigrants

If the past few years have taught us anything, when it comes to business and nonprofit leaders, it certainly doesn’t hurt to be ahead of the curve when hiring Hispanic Immigrants. ​Approaching the curve now is the high number of Hispanic Immigrants looking for work in US communities.  It is a TIGERS 6 Principles desire to support the employers and their managers who are hiring them.

Some immigrants speak a little English and many do not, but their new managers probably are bilingual. And we know how important it is for these managers to have resources in Spanish to help integrate their new employees onto existing teams. It is important to have both training and learning conversations about the behaviors that boost cooperation and collaboration in the workplace. And we know how important it is for managers to boost their skills to be more human-centric in the 21st Century workforce.

So it was a win-win decision for us to have our signature book, TIGERS Among Us – Winning Business Team Cultures and Why They Thrive translated into Spanish.  This includes the manager discussion guides and learning circle resources translated into Spanish, too. These resources become available in October 2024 and it is our emphasis to give you much more value than you usually experience because this is such a great opportunity for the US workforce now and in coming years.

The business case for hiring Hispanic Immigrants

To help in strategic planning efforts and support people empowered with TIGERS 6 Principles resources, we’ve isolated some standout challenges facing business owners who are eager to hire immigrants.  These include:

  • An increased focus on workplace culture;
  • Problems with cross-departmental collaboration, which stagnates innovation;
  • Employee mental health and work-life balance;
  • Group process confusions resulting in low job satisfaction; and,
  • Leadership skill gaps in connecting with employees.

In studying the list of companies in the Forbes and Fast Company fastest growing and innovation lists, there is good evidence to suggest that people-centric workplaces and how humans are empowered to work together are certainly ahead of the curve. Some work culture outcomes worth measuring are improved productivity, higher revenue, growing employee engagement and less turnover.

So what do our Hispanic neighbors in the Western Hemisphere need most when they are waiting for Immigration status in the United States? The obvious needs provided by government and nonprofits include:

  • Legal assistance
  • Healthcare services
  • Basic human needs including shelter, food and appropriate clothing depending on which state they are transported to.
  • Language support
  • Information and education

Addressing these needs requires coordinated efforts and collaboration from government agencies, non-profit organizations, business and community groups to ensure these immigrants receive the support and assistance they need to rebuild their lives in safety and dignity. Likewise, the sooner Hispanic Immigrants receive guest worker permits, the sooner their safety and dignity are restored through their own efforts by being employed and contributing to the US economy and tax base. Some larger non-profits empowered with TIGERS 6 Principles resources have what they need to facilitate Community Collaboratives like these. Many more, however, are needed on a state by state basis.

What focus is important to leaders and managers now who hire Hispanic Immigrants?

Leaders who hire people waiting for asylum immigration status in the US may need several key resources and support systems that connect to business, government and non-profit collaboratives like the ones mentioned previously.  Organizations with collaborative work cultures also recognize that several training resources can be beneficial in building cohesive and effective teams.

These include the following strategies.

Sensitivity Training

Leaders who have not already done so, benefit from sensitivity training to develop empathy and awareness of the unique challenges faced by immigrant asylum seekers. This includes emotional impacts such as trauma, displacement and uncertainty about their future.

Work Culture Competency Training

Providing work culture competency training to all employees, including native English speakers, can foster understanding, respect and collaboration among team members from diverse backgrounds. This training can help bridge human cultural gaps, promote empathy and create a more inclusive work environment. It also builds trust, interdependence, genuineness, risk resolution and success with supportive and well discussed behaviors. We are making this easy for English/Spanish bilingual managers and community leaders with the resources coming out this fall.

Team Development Events

Activities such as potlucks during lunch and other inexpensive activities can strengthen bonds among employees and enhance collaboration.  Activities can include exercises that promote communication, trust, problem-solving and conflict resolution skills. The outcome promotes a sense of unity and mutual support within an organization.

Leadership Development Programs

Offering leadership development programs specifically tailored to managers and team leaders desiring to close the employee connection gap to strengthen their teams certainly places them ahead of the curve. Leadership Essentials in the TIGERS 6 Principles learning center can equip them with the skills and strategies needed to effectively lead diverse teams. These programs can focus on topics such as cross-cultural communication, inclusive leadership and facilitating diverse perspectives.

Mentorship and Coaching Programs

Establishing mentorship and coaching programs can provide non-English speaking Hispanic immigrants with valuable support and guidance as they navigate the workplace.  Pairing them with mentors and coaches who speaks their native language can facilitate learning and integration onto the team.

DEI and Intercultural Communication Training

Involving all your employees in training that helps employees navigate cultural differences to effectively communicate with colleagues results in benefits.  For employees with diverse backgrounds, programs like these improve communication effectiveness, reduce misunderstandings and enhances teamwork. It also promotes awareness, acceptance and appreciation for both differences and strengths. The ultimate outcomes is creating a more inclusive and welcoming work environment where everyone has a felt sense of belonging, value and respect.

By investing in these training resources, organizations can effectively build and strengthen their teams, foster collaboration and communication and create a workplace culture that promotes success for all employees.  Currently, we are building an announcement list for managers, coaches and consultants, business owners, nonprofit leaders and human resources professionals in organizations to alert them to the 14-day post publication 50 percent book and resource savings. Not only are we making the book available to you at considerable savings, we are also providing free training resources so you can deploy the resources repeatedly in a shared effort to successfully and productively integrate immigrants into our work communities with greater ease and efficiency.

This is an announcement list only and will not be used to spam you with unwanted marketing.  Email tigers@bendbroadband.com to be added to this announcement list to receive the training resources and book for your optimum advantage.

Care to dig deeper into the topic of hiring Hispanic Immigrants?

Here are some additional resources you might find helpful:

Copyright TIGERS Success Series, Inc. by Dianne Crampton

TIGERS 6 PrinciplesAbout the TIGERS 6 Principles™

The TIGERS 6 Principles empower Executives and Consultants with a comprehensive collaborative work culture and leadership system to resolve avoidable talent, engagement and work community problems that stunt growth.

A researched and validated collaborative work culture and facilitative leadership model, licensing is available for HR Executives, Operations and Project Managers, Consultants and Coaches to improve their operations and client success.

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