Failing to monitor employee behavior is a slippery slope. Transgressions that are ignored tend to snow ball resulting in one bad apple spreading rot to others – or – cause good employees to seek work elsewhere. Employee behavior can make or break your...
Tempers flare when a weekly sales quota doesn’t get met…. An employee is told to comprise their standards – maybe fudge some numbers or overlook a quality control issue….. A manager takes credit for an employee’s hard work… All instances of workplace incivility?...
Experienced educators often advise first year teachers not to crack a smile until after Christmas vacation. Obviously, the intent is to give students the impression that these teachers are tough, strong disciplinarians as opposed to being nice which could be...
Hitting the snooze button too many times because you dread getting up and going into work? Is it just another day filled with undue stress and turmoil? The kind of day that makes you want to tell the boss, “take this job and…. “ well, you know. For many, this is an...