Employee commitment, engagement and accountability are all important to high level teambuilding and teamwork. 3 tips are shared in this video on how to build team commitment and tag onto concepts shared in the book TIGERS Among Us – Winning Business Team Cultures and Why They Thrive and the course materials included in the 5-part webinars series, 5 Common Sense Steps That Guide Struggling Teams Out Of Conflict and Confusion.
How To Build Commitment On Teams
by Dianne Crampton | Mar 11, 2011 | Team Cultures, TeamBuildingSuccessNow, Tigers Among Us | 8 comments
This is definitely different from what I experienced in my last employment. Some people in management actually made it a point to let me feel “how small or how unimportant” my role in the company was. Power tripping?
Hard for employees to develop commitment if there is a culture of egoism and when people in management are allowed to freely be ‘jerks’ in the office.
You are explaining the cost of internal competition in companies very well. It is huge when you add the cost of rehiring, which on the average is $8,500 for entry level employees.
We laid out a graph of the behaviors that are inherent in internally competitive organizations and ones invested in cooperation and collaboration. You can find it at http://www.TigersAmongUs.com
I support your position about the importance of employees knowing the “real meaning” or “deeper meaning” behind your business. Even the most humblest jobs becomes more worthwhile when imbued with meaning.
I used to work in a vet’s clinic as a cage cleaner to pay for my tuition. But you know what, knowing that we are saving animal lives and ensuring pet owners don’t lose their ‘baby’ or ‘bestfriend’ or ‘spiritual companion’ made me clean those cages more efficiently. I don’t want anyone to lose a friend to infection just because I didn’t value my job.
You just expained so beautifully what a difference this makes. I love animals so thank you for sharing how your understanding of your work made a difference in the lives of those you served.
One of the best ways you can show that you value your employees is to be fair in promotions, and also hiring from the outside because of competence and achievements and not just because of their ivy-league diplomas.
Absolutely. And keep in mind it is even better when your organization provides a workforce development training plan within your company so that you organization is more scalable and attracts and retains the very finest employees. This way you can also train from within the organization and then make sure the outside employees have exactly what you say as well as personal values that are in alignment with your organizational values. This will cut down on rehiring costs that can save your organization at a minimum $8,500 for entry level rehiring and obviously much more for seasoned managers.
If budget is tight and you can’t send your employees to third-party seminars and conferences, upgrading or re-starting your ‘mentorship program’ is an effective way to prepare your company for growth when the economy improves.
Thank you, Ben. We are actually giving organizations a free one year membership for all their employees for those interested in building more trust, interdependence, genuineness, empathy, risk and success in their organizations. It comes as a bonus with the TIGERS Team Wheel game exercise, which is a very cost effective way to get all your team members on the same page.
You can learn more about it in this 29 minute webinar. http://InstantTeleseminar.com/?eventid=22192158
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