TIGERS Team Synchronization

Get all your employees on the same page at the same time when you assess, train and coach them to implement TIGERS 6 Principles.

Develop the Capacity for Change

How do you help your organization develop the capacity to change? How do you get your team members synchronized?

You can improve human dynamics to transform your organization one new behavior at a time. The best way to create a culture of high-performance is through behavior modification. With TIGERS Team Synchronization we can predict behavior dynamics and then prescribe the specific direction to take to improve performance outcomes in your organization. Now you can get all your employees on the same page at the same time when you assess, train and coach them to implement TIGERS principles.

How do you help your organization develop the capacity to change? By training team members on the TIGERS 6 Principles they develop the capacity to change and the enthusiasm to champion it. When their behavior starts shifting and they are applying the TIGERS 6 Principles, the team’s net outcome is that behavior issues start to drop away, and the team becomes more effective and efficient.

In order to achieve Team Synchronization, the team leader needs to have a full understanding of the TIGERS 6 principles so he/she can support the team members in their micro-training. The TIGERS 6 Principles of Team Leadership FUNdamentals teaches the leader to understand that each principle is synergistic with the other principles. They learn the behaviors and how to apply them to their work situation to build trust in their team. The leaders’ training can take place concurrent with the team members’ training. 


Pricing is based on number of participants. Coaching packages are available through our network of certified consultants.


Request a consultation today to determine if TIGERS is right for you.