What are the top 10% looking for when they are recruited onto existing teams? The place to start is building a team culture you know will be successful and produces high levels of satisfaction for employees.

Trust: Studies clearly indicate that for team players, trust is far more important in building strong teams—teams that deliver success over the long term for a company — than economic incentive.

Interdependence: This value will grow from a sense of community and team support among team members. It involves information-sharing and relying on the strengths of one another that leads to team success rather than simply individual achievement.

Genuineness: In a team culture, genuineness encourages clear communications and transparent motivations among employees and management.

Empathy: Empathy is the ability to imagine When empathetic team members have the desire to do the right thing, then you can know that decisions will be reliably made to protect and preserve the rights of everyone involved in your team culture.

Risk: If the team culture looks at failure as an important step toward team success, it avoids corporate stagnation. In this way, risk becomes the fuel for change and innovation.

Success: If employees are not satisfied, a company will run into trouble when it needs to attract and retain talented employees. Gifted and talented employees will move on if they are not finding satisfaction in your team culture.