Leadership and Team Building: Satisfy Short-Term Quarterly Goals or Plan for Long-term Sustainability?

Leadership and Team Building: Satisfy Short-Term Quarterly Goals or Plan for Long-term Sustainability?

The need for instant gratification and to show a profit no matter the cost to employees, society, or an organization’s welfare seems to be the motto in today’s business culture. Yet there are those few stellar organizations…and they are not all Fortune 500’s….that beg...
Replace a Cut-Throat Work Culture with an Empathetic Culture To Spark Engagement

Replace a Cut-Throat Work Culture with an Empathetic Culture To Spark Engagement

When you walk a mile in someone else’s shoes, you understand their situation, feelings, and motives. That’s empathy…and today’s corporations, leaders, and employees seem to come up short on this basic soft skill.   Empathy is a skill important to building good...
Trust is a Key Ingredient Missing From Business Team Building

Trust is a Key Ingredient Missing From Business Team Building

What is the definition of trust? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary it is defined as having assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something.  A pretty straightforward definition with very little room for...