me to weThis week’s article is the final installment of our 2015 year end four-part recap series. The past three weeks have focused on Polls, Research, and Surveys, Management, Leadership, and HR Issues and Employee Engagement categories.

This week we are moving on to the Workplace Culture category, which focuses on improving trust among leadership teams, developing an attractive workplace culture and building collaboration among team members and collaboration between departments.

All of our articles from 2015 have been broken into four categories, and we’ve made it easy to review all of the articles from the past year. Review the articles from our final installment, and make sure to go back and review the first three installments to catch up.

Workplace Culture

Trust is one of the key factors to a well-functioning workplace, However, trust is at an all time low according to a new study conducted by Towers Watson.

Women continue to be underrepresented at most levels in the workforce and are not progressing in their careers. North American female career advance 10 year lag.

Team building is a top strategy for successful execution of tasks, goals and change. Company culture is the foundation for these activities to be effective.

Leadership team building that promotes a winning collaborative work culture ensures  organizational success through up and down economic climates. Lean how.

Building an ethical business culture that promotes trust and transparency means  doing the right thing just for the sake of it, not because others are looking.

How employees interact has a huge impact on cooperation, teamwork and success,  To create a culture of collaboration use effective team building Strategies.

A toxic workplace is a working environment with employees who negatively affect other employees’ morale and overall image of the company.

This is the fourth and final installment of our four-part 2015 recap series. If you missed any of the first three, get caught up with all of our articles:

2015 Blog Recap Part 1 – Polls, Research, and Surveys (How does the latest research affect your business?)

2015 Blog Recap Part 2 – Management, Leadership, and HR Issues (Do business leaders have what it takes today?)

2015 Blog Recap Part 3  Employee Engagement (Where is productivity and morale hiding?)

Copyright TIGERS Success Series, Inc. by Dianne Crampton

About TIGERS Success Series, Inc.

TIGERS Success Series, Inc.  is a proprietary team development model based on six principles required for high levels of cooperation among employees and collaboration between departments. The six principles are trust, interdependence, genuineness, empathy, risk and success.  These principles are anchored by behaviors that measurably improve team behavior and support existing corporate values.

TIGERS is a Bend, Oregon Team Development Consultant that also licenses and trains HR Executives in TIGERS Team development and Facilitation methods. As a result, HRD leaders are able to build high levels of cooperation to compliment growth and workforce development strategies in measurable ways.

TIGERS is research based and validated with over 30 years of experience building and improving teams and collaborative work culture to drive improved business revenue. This is the type of work culture employees enjoy returning to after a couple of days off.  Call 541-385-7465 to inquire about our corporate retreats, licensing and consulting services.