

We’ve made it to part three of our four-part 2015 blog recap series. Over the past two weeks, we have reviewed articles from the Polls, Research, and Surveys and Management, Leadership, and HR Issues categories. The links to these recaps can be found here.

Part three focuses on Employee Engagement topics, which offer advice with inspiring Millennials, promoting volunteerism, improving employee productivity and promoting employee wellness, among others.

On top of advice in the form of articles, the TIGERS® Success Series also offers seminars and workshops that teach employers how to pull effectively train and build teams with their team members, as well as how to help team members reach their potential. Enjoy the following articles.

Team Building Blog Recap Part Three: Employee Engagement

Learning how to inspire Millennials in the workplace with effective team building ideas is one solution to high turnover in this age group.

Organizations that encourage belonging  and workplace friendships sparked by  corporate team building enjoy higher employee retention rates and engagement.

Team building tips for better productivity and happier employees vary greatly, but one effective strategy that organizations may overlook is employee volunteerism.

Pervasive consumer mobile and social platforms are altering the corporate business environment through age diversity and technology-focused team building.

Team building activities and work culture assessment surveys to improve employee productivity gives leaders important change direction and progress metrics.

Meetings are important. Leaders can conduct effective and productive meetings that serve an important purpose when effective teambuilding strategies are used.

When you notice more negative behavior than positive  among employees, consider implementing team building ideas to build better relationships.

Team engagement is one of the most important goals for organizational success. There are 8 strategies to engage employees with leadership teambuilding support.

Trust is necessary on all levels in an organization. There are five workplace strategies that build trust among team members and leaders that improve success.

While some leaders may view employee happiness as a bonus, happiness is essential for creating a cooperative company culture with fewer disruptive conflicts.

Trust is essential for workplace success and respect. Effecting everyone giving trust to get trust is the key to kicking off greater depth of trust.

Employee motivation affects every aspect of the workplace including productivity, happiness, job satisfaction, company culture, teamwork and the bottom line.

With excess stress, disengaged employees and a lack of company-wide cooperation, organizations suffer to succeed. Team building activities transform attitudes.

The amount of sleep employees get affects organizations. The side effects of missed sleep include memory loss, increased stress, and more  incivility.

Vacations are essential for proper work-life balance. Without time off, teams  become less productive, less satisfied  and more likely to burn out.

This is the third installment of our four-part TIGERS® Success Series 2015 Team Building Blog Recap. You can catch up with the Polls, Research, and Surveys and Management, Leadership, and HR Issues articles here.

Next week we’ll offer our final article: 2015 Blog Recap Part 4 – Workplace Culture (Strategies from leaders and organizations that are doing it right).

Copyright TIGERS Success Series, Inc. by Dianne Crampton

About TIGERS Success Series, Inc.

TIGERS Success Series is a Bend, Oregon Leadership and Team Improvement Consultant that helps committed leaders build more cooperation among employees and collaboration between departments for improved growth and revenue.

We do this by deploying our proprietary TIGERS team process that improves trust, interdependence, genuineness, empathy, risk resolution and success in the workplace. We have been doing this for over two decades providing diagnostics and customized team interventions for committed leaders and their teams.  We also license and train other professionals in the use of our award winning resources.  For more information, call 541-385-7465.
