The TIGERS® 6 Principles offer a cooperation-based work model founded on six collaborative principles found in every high performance organization. These principles are trust, interdependence, genuineness, empathy, risk and success.  They are measurable within a team and they predict both high team function and problems.

The TIGERS 6 Principles  — trust, interdependence, genuineness, empathy, risk and success — support collaboration and a cooperative way of working. By contrast, the command and control hierarchical culture supports centralized, top-down decision making and an internal competition-based group dynamic.

Collaborative and competitive group dynamics are the two main categories of work culture. They are the Collaborative or Team-based Culture and the Individualist Culture. Although business and social psychologists have described many additional subsets of these two categories, the Collaborative or Team-based Culture and Individualist Culture are two distinctly different group personalities.

Consciously choosing a business personality, or way of being, is one of the most important decisions a business founder or leader can make, and small business owners and entrepreneurs creating new companies often overlook it. It is also often neglected in business mergers and acquisitions or in any planning scenario focused on short-term returns rather than long-term results.

Culture is a critical part of the strategic planning process. It helps an organization determine, through core value demonstrations, what it will be like to work in the business and to do business with it.

When workplace behaviors support trust, interdependence, genuineness, empathy, risk and success being in the organization or doing business with it is an enjoyable, rewarding experience that builds relationships for long term success. And when leaders cultivate behaviors that support these principles conflict, misunderstandings and change resistance dissolve remarkably fast.

Copyright TIGERS Success Series

About TIGERS Success Series

TIGERS has been helping leaders build highly successful work teams since 1987. TIGERS is currently offering certification licensing for HR Executives, business consultants, trainers, facilitators and coaches who want to leverage their current offerings into team development work.